Content Writers: 100 Confusing Words That Can Ruin Your Content
Sentences such as “Don’t loose your mind”, “He complemented the students on their good behavior”, “It’s better then flying”, “Don’t advice me” + more (which I’ll cover here) make my inner editor scream. Let’s start the list.
1) It’s & its
It’s = It is or it has
Its = possessive form of it.
2) Loose & lose
Loose = As an adjective it means not tightly fixed. As a verb it means set free.
Lose = Unable to find, unable to keep control of, fail to win, to wander, to be deprived of something that one had before.
3) Advice & advise
Advice = A suggestion that someone offers you.
Advise = Verb form. It means to give someone advice.
4) Complement & compliment
Complement – Something that completes or matches well with another thing.
Compliment – Praise
5) Into & in to
Into = Showing movement, stating the result of a change, involved in something, find out about something.
In to = in order to.
6) Your & you’re
Your = Belonging or related to a person.
You’re = Contraction for you are.
7) Who vs whom
Who = Always used as a subject to a verb
Whom – Used as an object in a sentence.
8) Among vs between
Among = Refer to things not clearly separated because they’re part of a group/crowd.
Between = Refer to 2 things that’re clearly separated.
9) Regard vs regards
Regard = Consider, think of, view, respect.
Regards = Best wishes.
10) Peace vs piece
Peace = Quiet, harmony.
Piece= A portion of something.
11) Lightening vs lightning
Lightening = Lessen the load, whitening, to become cheerful. Also in gynecology it means the sensation, experienced by many women late in pregnancy when the head of the fetus enters the pelvis, of a reduction in pressure on the diaphragm, making it easier to breathe
Lightning = Natural electric discharge accompanied with thunder
12) From vs form
From = Preposition
Form = Shape, create, a place to fill in details.
13) Less vs few
Less= Is used with uncountable nouns
Few = Is used with countable nouns.
14) Lay vs lie
Lay = Put down something gently
Lie = Rest, untruthfulness.
15) Ensure vs insure
Ensure = Make sure
Insure = To buy/provide insurance.
16) Everyone vs every one
Everyone = Pronoun. Refers to all in a group.
Every one = 2 words; used for referring to each person who’s in a group.
17) Rise vs raise
Rise = An increase in amount, moving up, standing up.
Raise = Lifting up, escalate, an increase in salary.
18) Breath vs breathe
Breath = The air taken into the lungs or expelled from it.
Breathe= Verb = The process of taking air in and then expelling.
19) Criteria vs criterion
Criterion = Standard
Criteria = Plural form of criterion.
20) Coarse vs course
Coarse = Rough, crude
Course = Path. a dish or a set of dishes served together, flowing.
21) Canvas vs canvass
Canvas = Closely knit cloth used for paintings, tents.
Canvass = Campaign, thorough discussion.
22) Used to vs use to
Use to = There’s no phrase as such.
Used to = Accustomed to, refer to actions that happened in past but have stopped in the present.
23) Advance vs advanced
Advance = Move forward, loan, preliminary
Advanced = New, state-of-the-art.
24) Irregardless vs regardless
Irregardless = No such word
Regardless = In spite of everything.
25) Peek vs peak
Peak = Reach a climax, pointed top of a mountain, maximum
Peek = Look quickly
26) Supposed to vs suppose to
Supposed to =Expected, required
Suppose to= There’s no such phrase.
27) Weird vs wired
Weird = Uncanny
Wired = In a nervous state, online.
28) Farther vs further
Farther = Physical distance
Further = Additional, going ahead.
29) Flaunt vs flout
Flaunt = Show off
Flout = Breaking rules.
30) Aid vs aide
Aid = Assistance
Aide = Helper, assistant.
31) Plain vs plane
Plain = Simple
Plane = Airplane, a level surface.
32) Beach vs beech
Beach = Seaside
Beech = A Kind of tree.
33) Peace vs peas
Peace = Quiet
Peas = Vegetable.
34) Bring vs take
Bring = Movement toward the speaker
Take = Movement away from the speaker.
35) Callous vs callus
Callous – Hard, cruel.
Callus – Toughened area of skin.
36) All ready vs already
All ready = Completely prepared
Already = Adverb referring to something that’s happened before a certain time.
37) Ascent vs accent
Ascent = Climb
Accent = A particular way of speaking a language.
38) Cavalry vs Calvary
Cavalry = Mobile soldier units
Calvary = The hill on which Jesus was crucified.
39) Choose vs chose
Choose = Select
Chose = Past form of choose.
40) Career vs carrier
Career = Occupation
Carrier = Bearer.
41) Definitely vs definately
Definitely = Surely
Definately = There’s no such word.
42) Spilled vs Spilt vs Split
Spilled = Knock over, flow
Spilt = Past and past participle of spill
Split = Break, divide.
43) Demur vs demure
Demur = To object
Demure = Modest.
44) Discover vs invent
Discover = To know something previously not known
Invent = To make something new.
45) Hoard vs horde
Horde = Crowd
Hoard = A collection or a supply of things to be used in future.
46) Indiscreet vs indiscrete
Indiscreet = Imprudent
Indiscrete = Not separated into distinct parts.
47) Lets vs let’s
Lets = Allow
Let’s = Let + us
48) Naval vs navel
Naval = Related to navy
Navel = Belly button
49) Moral vs morale
Moral = Ethical, lesson of a story
Morale = Spirit.
50) Suit vs suite
Suit = Costume
Suite = Rooms, apartment.
The next 50 confusing words are covered here.
Very helpful piece of content Abhirupa and indeed handy. I always get confused between it’s and its, lose and loose and so many. This cheat sheet is going to be a real time saver. Thanks for sharing. Bookmarked :).
Thnks for the list. Supposed to & suppose to – i get confused between them often
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